How To Use External Download Manager With Firefox

In case you don’t know, Firefox has 3 different Android browser variants – Firefox, Firefox Beta, Firefox Nightly. The Firefox browser is the most stable variant directed for normal usage. The Firefox Beta is for Firefox enthusiasts who want the latest and stable updates every week. Finally, Firefox Nightly is the bleeding edge Firefox browser that gets updated every day. Foremost, download and install the Firefox browser. You can choose to sign-in with your Firefox account but you’d be fine without it. In order to turn on download manager support, tap on the meatball icon at the bottom-right corner. From the extended menu, tap on Settings. On the Settings menu, navigate to the bottom and turn on the toggle beside “External download manager” under the Advanced section.

Once the External download manager is enabled, whenever you download a file, you would have a pop-up to choose the download manager. In the following screenshot, I have Navi, an open-source download manager installed. Hence, Firefox asks me to choose the download manager between Navi and Firefox while downloading a file.

Using Firefox Nightly as your regular browser might lead to a few crashes and data loss, as it’s not the tried and tested build. However, you can still natively use Firefox Nightly as your preferred browser for downloads. For more issues or queries, let me know in the comments below. Also Read: 15 Best Firefox Android Tips & Tricks