Well, you are in luck. You will be glad to know that you can easily retrieve your deleted file even though you have permanently deleted it. People think that once the archive is removed permanently, it can not recover! But it’s not true. Fortunately, you can get it back with the help of data recovery software.

 How data recovery software works?

Whenever you delete something (using shift + del), you don’t delete the data itself; you only delete the link to that data. And because the link has been deleted the operating system believe that data has been deleted and thus it shows space available on the hard drives.  Therefore your data is still present there, and there is a good chance to get it back. Until you overwrite that disk with something else.

How do I get back permanently deleted files on the desktop

There are many data recovering software, like test disk, Recuva, and  Recuva which can do that for you. In this article, I will be using Recuva for demonstration. 

Recuva interface

It will start scanning, select the data you want back and click Recover. And that’s it within few secs you will get your data back!! Note Although this data recovery software is widely available, don’t take chances in the future. It’s always good to have a backup of important data in your computer as well as external storage.