However, this AI-powered assistant is giving out a tough time to some users. They have voiced their concern that they are constantly being greeted with the ‘Something went wrong’ error in Bing Chat whenever they ask it a question. While there is a refresh button next to it, but it does no good either. Likewise, even in the Discover section on the right, they get a ‘Stop Responding’ message.

To make the matter worse, some have said the issue is present across both the web as well as the mobile app. If you are also getting bugged by this issue, then this guide will make you aware of the reasons for the same and more importantly the potential workaround to address this issue. Follow along.

Fix Bing Chat ‘Something went wrong’ error

The initial culprit was assumed to be a server-side issue however, that isn’t the case as other users in the same region are able to use this service without any hiccups. Upon further investigation, we found out that the root cause of this issue might be related to Microsoft banning the user’s account. The reason for the same is the non-acceptable queries that they might have asked the AI, the effect examples of the same is evident from the below Reddit post.

So to bypass this issue, you should create a new Microsoft account and sign in to the service using that account. You will then be able to use the AI without any roadblocks. However, make sure you refrain from asking malicious questions to the AI as the repercussions might again lead to the aforementioned issue. So on that note, we round off this guide on how you could fix the ‘Something went wrong’ error in Bing Chat. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

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